A question I get from a lot of people is, "Do you like retirement?" Do I like it? I love it! Life is different now... a lot less stress! I've been subbing a couple of days a week. I wasn't sure whether I would like subbing, but I really enjoy it. I get to work with kids, do what I've been trained to do, go in with nothing, leave with nothing, and not deal with all the other stuff that causes teachers so much stress.
I was concerned that I would get bored, depressed, etc., but that hasn't been much of a problem. I've heard others say that after retirement they were busier than ever. I could never figure it out, but it's true. I have to admit, I'm not a morning person. I'm usually awake between 8:00 and 8:30 but don't really get going until 10:30 or so. Between subbing, working at church, helping my mother, and spending time with my husband, the days fill up quickly. I thought I would get my house cleaned and organized but that hasn't happened. It's hard to break old habits!
I do miss being with my friends from school. I talk to Tina and Julie every week or so. Crystal's life has changed with the new baby and now moving, so I haven't been able to talk to her much. I get to see the gang at Hopewell when I sub, but it's not quite the same. I'm kind of "out of the loop" with what they're doing, but I enjoy hearing about what's going on. And...they still ask my advice/help at times, so I guess they still need me!
We've always been a family at Hopewell. The retirement party they threw for me was so awesome! The love that was shown to me that night will always be special in my memories. They're a great bunch of people to work with!
Although I miss seeing my Hopewell friends, I'm blessed to be able to see and be with my church friends more. I'm able to spend more time at church and feel so much more peaceful when I'm there. It's so neat to not have lesson plans, standards, indicators, papers to grade, problems with my class, etc. on my mind. I feel so FREE!!! "Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, Loee is Free at Last!!!" :-)