Saturday, November 11, 2006


Did you know that "Procrastination" is my middle name? I've thought of updating my blog but that's as far as I've gotten. Finally, I made a list of things I could blog the other day. Procrastination was #1 on the list!

Procrastination...Merriam Webster says procrastination is "to put off intentionally and habitually". When I found this definition, the "intentionally" part surprised me. In my mind, I don't "intentionally" not do things. I just don't do them! As I think about it, I guess it is intentional, but I would categorized it as unconsciously not doing things. Well, maybe not unconsciously but consciously but not on purpose. Uhh, I think I'm rationalizing!

Whatever, I'm back and I'll try to do better. See you soon...uhh, if I don't intentionally and habitually put it off!